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What Are The Deciding Factors In Child Custody Law?

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Anyone involved with a child custody matter should understand how the law handles such issues. What are the deciding factors in child custody law? A child custody attorney will want you to focus on these 5 issues. The Best Interests of the Child Everything else in child custody cases will follow from this idea. This is the standard the court must apply in making decisions. Where a judge rules, the goal is to look out for the best interests of the child. Read More»

What Parents Need To Know About Back Pay And SSI

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers several benefit programs for those with medical or mental health conditions. Retirement benefits are available for those who have paid into the system and are at retirement age. If you must stop working before retirement age, you may earn Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Finally, those who don’t have a work history can earn benefits through Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both adults and children can earn SSI benefits and they are also eligible for back pay. Read More»

Common Injuries From Dog Attacks

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If you’ve ever been a victim of a dog attack, you know just how traumatic it can be. Not only do you have to deal with the physical injuries, but you may also suffer from psychological trauma. In addition, if you’re not careful, you could end up dealing with some pretty serious financial damages. And since dog attacks can happen anywhere and at any time, you should know what kind of injuries you can suffer from such incidences. Read More»

What Does It Mean to Receive a Suspended Sentence after Pleading “No Contest?”

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If you are being charged with a crime and you believe there is no way to have your charges dismissed, one option is to plead down to a lesser charge. You do not even have to plead guilty and can choose to instead plead “no contest.” However, it’s important to understand how each of these decisions will affect your life. Pleading No-Contest A no-contest plea can be confusing. You are not admitting that you are guilty or denying it. Read More»

Your DUI Arraignment: What To Expect

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An arraignment is one of the first things that anyone arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) will encounter. In some cases, defendants are released on bail and return later for an arraignment. In other cases, bail is part of the arraignment right after the arrest. Either way, you can be prepared for your DUI court appearance by reading the information below. You Are Hereby Informed Arraignments may be held in a courtroom, but they might also happen via video from the jail. Read More»